Press release from the issuing company
With the introduction of the drupacube in 2008, drupa - print media trade fair - launched a decisive change in perspectives that proved to be a guide for the entire sector: Pure technology moves into the background in favor of applications. This very approach was also the central message of digi:media, a new trade fair for commercial printing and digital publishing, organized very successfully by Messe Düsseldorf for the first time in April this year. "This step from drupacube to digi:media represented a logical development of this very concept, because this triad which brought together content, technology and business both in the offer presented by the trade fair and in the range of offers for specialists was completely in line with the market requirements of the print and media sectors," stated Manuel Mataré, Project Director of digi:media and drupa.
This concept which also adopts the digi:media philosophy will be integrated into drupa 2012 (to be held from May 3 - 16, 2012 in Düsseldorf, Germany). "We merge the drupacube and the drupa innovation park conceptually and physically," explained Manuel Mataré: The drupa cube, which in 2008 was positioned in the outside area between halls 2 and 3, will be relocated into hall 7A, next to the drupa innovation park hall 7.0. This location allows for a still closer combination of technology and content. "This configuration also means that communicative interaction among visitors and exhibitors and between the exhibitors themselves can be initiated much more effectively. With this we implement digi:media's basic concept – all target groups involved in their workflow should be brought together - also into drupa. Therefore it is only logical that the drupacube will be presented by digi:media, our successful trade fair premiere in April 2011," added Manuel Mataré.
As in all the 19 trade fair halls, the focus of the drupacube will be on the printed product - with one major difference: Everything seen in hall 7 A refers to the use of printed products for communication, driven by marketing. This change in paradigms offers one unbeatable advantage: the respective heads of marketing or publishing houses, manufacturing experts, contact persons and creative arts directors can get comprehensive information regarding print products on combined markets. This helps to bring very diverse target groups closer to drupa - and therefore closer to printed products.
The diversity of needs of this target group will be matched by the variety of the drupacube offers. Conferences held every morning will cover a different theme daily, including a "Magazine Day", "Book Day" and "Dialogue Marketing Day" as well as a "Packaging Day" and a "Corporate Communication Day". The program of activities aimed at specific target groups will be enhanced by current topics such as "Green Printing", "Functional Printing", and "Social Media". In the evening, the drupacube will be the venue for exhibitor parties.
"Our intention is to be with the people and the problems they face every day," emphasized Manuel Mataré. The appropriate associations are involved in order to turn this into practice. The following associations have assured their commitment: The Academy of the German Book Trade, the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ), the Forum Corporate Publishing (FCP), the German Dialogue Marketing Association (DDV) and the specialist organization of media production experts (f:mp). In addition, numerous drupa exhibitors are being contacted in order to combine information relevant to print buyers with the range presented in the drupacube.
The latest information on the drupacube and its program of activities is available at
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