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Condat Joins the United Nations Global Compact

Press release from the issuing company

The Global Compact is the world's largest corporate social responsibility initiative.

The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary policy initiative for businesses that are committed to corporate responsibility through their support of ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.  

By adhering to the Global Compact, Condat, part of the Lecta Group, reaffirms the company's commitment to socially responsible management and to aligning its operations and strategy with the ten stated principles. The aim is fulfillment of the Compact, as well as publicly advocating the objectives and principles of the global platform.   

The Lecta Group is made up of three companies: Cartiere del Garda in Italy, Condat in France and Torraspapel in Spain. All of the Lecta Group companies have pledged their support for the Global Compact, publicly confirming their firm commitment to sustainable development.

Condat has defined its corporate responsibility in a social charter. Its commitment is detailed in three main areas: social responsibility within the Company, the promotion of cultural and educational activities, and environmental protection.  

Learn about the numerous actions carried out by Condat and the Lecta Group in the area of sustainability at www.condat-pap.com and www.lecta.com.