Press release from the issuing company
PuzzleFlow Solutions announces the completion of installation at The Winchester Star. Published since July 4, 1896 The Winchester Star's press is kept busy printing their daily with a circulation of over 19,000 on week days and close to 24,000 on Saturday and a good number of commercial jobs. The Winchester Star has chosen PuzzleFlow Solutions WebPairer and Automator to provide automated, preflighting and validation, file and deadline management, PDF auto-fixing, and automatic page pairing. They also chose to integrate PuzzleFlow InkSaver to provide significant ink savings while controlling TAC and improving printability and print quality.
Joyce Williams, the Systems Manager at the Winchester Star said, "PuzzleFlow is the first installation of major software/hardware that The Winchester Star has received that only took 3 days to install, train and implement in the production of our newspaper with much success. We started using PuzzleFlow almost immediately once everything was in place. There were only a very few glitches that were immediately taken care of by the PuzzleFlow support team. I feel this system has definitely taken us a huge step forward in the prepress production of our daily paper and the commercial jobs we produce."
Kristen Colebank, from the Composition Department said, "I believe PuzzleFlow's WebPairer operator interface is very user friendly, with intuitive controls and navigation. Processing ads and pages for our daily newspaper has become significantly faster, and I appreciate the built-in tools that assist us in troubleshooting digital ad files. Also, the workflow for our commercial printing jobs is now much more efficient and accurate.
And Don Bruce, the Copy Desk Chief told us, "After just a 30-minute training session, I was up to speed on PuzzleFlow in the features that affect newsroom staff. The other newsroom staffers I taught also caught on quickly. I found the browser-based interface easy to use from Day 1. I keep it running in layout view so that all the page thumbnails are visible and the page-flow status is easy to see at a glance. With the preflight feature, we can tell so much more about a page than we could in our older software. I'm quite pleased with it!"
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