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Print Power champions print media in a multi-media world

Press release from the issuing company

The Print Power campaign comes at a time when brand owners and media buyers are striving to get the best value for their budgets. There's never been so much media choice and, as the excitement of new media fades, it's becoming clear that print is still a vital channel, demonstrably maximising campaign reach and effectiveness; particularly when combined with new media.

"OK, says Martyn Eustace", Director of the UK Print Power campaign, "Online advertising is growing fast and is now an established part of the mix but if you want to build your brand and really target your customer base, you must ensure that Print Media remains right at the centre of your media plan. In all its forms, print really does have an enormous power to engage and communicate".

Print Power, a European initiative, is championed by organisations and companies across the entire print media value chain, from paper production, distribution, printing, content and delivery. Creative materials are centrally developed but then carefully focussed on the needs of every European market. In each country a Print Power team develops and delivers the campaign.

"Our aim", says Eustace, "Is to demonstrate to those who are responsible for the decision making process with regards to media spend that printed media is an essential and vital channel for brand success. We will use highly engaging advertisements, case studies and research to show how print media is an incredibly effective marketing and advertising tool. Print media has really good facts and information about how it can persuade and engage and we need to give this information to media decision makers. If we don't promote our industry, then who will?"

The print media industry, which Print Power champions, when viewed from a UK perspective, is significant. The print, packaging and graphics communication industry is the UK's fifth largest manufacturing industry, generating sales in excess of £14.5 billion. Around 140,000 people are employed within10,500 companies across the UK. In addition, printed products make a positive contribution to the UK trade balance figures, with exports in the region of £500 million.

Print Power will launch in January 2011 with advertisements in the key media publications, backed by a fulfilment magazine and a fact filled website. A direct mail campaign will also follow later in 2011 and new technology such as QR codes and Augmented Reality will be featured to show how effectively print media interacts with new media.

There are three principal target groups; these are - Brand Owners, Advertising and Direct-Marketing Agencies and Media Agencies. Within these agencies Print Power will address the decision makers and strategy directors; people who decide via which channels advertising budgets are being spent.

Print Power and its 'sister' campaign Two Sides rely on local support to deliver the campaigns. Via the contribution of money and services in kind, activities can be sustained throughout every market, ensuring that print media continues to be promoted and be seen as a modern and vital communication channel. By contributing to Print Power, partners can profit and benefit from the advertising and marketing campaigns and also show to staff and clients that they doing their bit to maximise the opportunities for print media

Subscriptions, which cover both the Print Power and the Two Sides sustainability campaign, are £35 per million sales turnover, with a minimum of £500 for larger organisations and £150 for printers and small businesses.