Press release from the issuing company
Boston, Massachusetts, Appenzell, Switzerland – GMC Software Technology, the standard in personalized communication, today announced a new blog posting by Bill Parker, CMO at GMC Software Technology. The blog, titled: "True personalization: using transactions to build relationships with customers," explores the progress of personalized communications over the last ten years. The blog can seen at: and is open to viewer comments.
"We have moved from static documents to interactive communications. We have moved from single channels to multi-channel: print, mobile, email, wrote Parker. "The next phase is to move beyond what has traditionally passed for 'personalization' and use this technology to establish an actual interactive, iterative relationship with customers. True personalization."
The company's "News Lounge," launched more than a year ago, is an new easy- to-access online information service from GMC Software Technology designed to help anyone involved in TransPromo, personalized communication, multi-channel communications and associated marketing activities to keep up to date with the latest industry technologies, trends and ideas. In addition to an industry blog, which is also available in mobile phone format, GMC's News Lounge also features a video channel that includes interviews with customers, GMC executives as well as other industry thought leaders which can be found at:
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