Press release from the issuing company
Tuebingen – GMG, developer and supplier of high-end color management and proofing solutions, is pleased to announce the availability of a new solution to create standard-compliant, perfectly color managed PDF files in combination with Enfocus Switch. A GMG FlowConnect configurator (or plug-in) is available to automate GMG ColorServer and InkOptimizer color management solutions within Enfocus Switch.
The new GMG configurator offers a workflow integration that enables fully centralized and automated color management with the GMG color management solutions. It sends PDF, TIFF and JPEG files from within Enfocus Switch to GMG ColorServer/InkOptimizer, allows the set-up of parameters and receives status information (success, warning, error) to track all jobs in the entire workflow. This configurator can also be used in combination with other configurators in a Switch flow which can result in combining PitStop Server 'preflight and fixing' technology with color management in order to create certified, color managed PDF files that comply with PDF standards like PDF/X1-a and the Ghent PDF Workgroup specifications.
Existing users of Enfocus Switch and GMG FlowConnect can use the Switch flow as of today.
Creators of PDF files can thus ensure that a PDF can be printed without problems regarding color spaces and issues such as non-embedded fonts and low-image resolution. This avoids iterations of sending files back and forth as well as cost intensive problems and unexpected results during the print run.
"There is a clear trend visible, in that more files from different sources have to be integrated in one document," says Paul Willems, CEO of GMG GmbH & Co. KG. "In parallel, the files are created by people with less prepress expertise, leading to mistakes during the design phase of the files and ultimately the new PDF versions get more complex with layer technologies, transparencies and different color spaces. Therefore it will become more and more mandatory for creatives, repro houses and printing companies to invest in solutions to automatically detect problems prior to going to the press room."
VP of Enfocus Fabian Prudhomme says: "We can confirm this trend and we noticed that over the years PDF preflight and color management have become more and more important. The integration with Switch also offers new opportunities for the GMG ColorServer and InkOptimizer users to bring their workflow to a new level of automation and help them save time on repetitive tasks and errors."
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