Press release from the issuing company
The Graphic Arts Association is calling for entries for their 2010 Neographics Power of Print Competition. Neographics is celebrating its 39th anniversary as one of the nation's largest regional graphic communications competitions which showcases and rewards graphic arts, packaging, converting, design and publishing excellence.
Any area printer, service bureau, advertising agency, finisher, packaging and/or converting company, binder, platemaker, specialty shop, editor, public relations professional, graphic designer or graphic arts student can enter Neographics. All submissions must have been produced between February 1, 2009 and January 31st 2010. The deadline to submit entries is March 15, 2010.
There are over 80 entry categories and 4 press size categories. Judging occurs over several days by three teams of judges. Each set of judges is a well-balanced mix of technical, production and design expertise. The judging guidelines separate criteria for each of the three award levels. The award levels are "Franklin Award for Excellence," "Best of Category" and the coveted "Power of Print" award. Entry pieces are judged anonymously, with a number attached to each submission instead of a name.
The winning companies will be celebrated during the award exhibition, ceremony and dinner on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at the Union League, Philadelphia, PA. The event, attended by approximately 375 printing industry representatives, begins with a reception and an exhibition of the winning entries.
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