Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Xitron, the prepress industry's leading independent developer and integrator of Raster Image Processors, RIP management software and workflow solutions today announced the release of PRINTERnet, a web-to-print online job submission, preflighting and proofing solution.
PRINTERnet provides a printer and their clients with
- 24/7 online job submission
- Online preflighting
- Online soft proofing
- Automated job status notices
- Single point of communication about jobs
PRINTERnet establishes a stronger link between printers and their clients. Job submission is easier, faster and more automated. The system accepts jobs, preflights them and delivers a status report to the client. Once a job passes preflight, a rasterized soft proof notification is automatically sent to the sender. PRINTERnet is able to accommodate job submission 24 hours a day.
“PRINTERnet allows small and medium size printers to accept more work in their prepress department without adding staff,” stated Mark Eisenschenk, Xitron's President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our customers need to reduce or contain their operating costs while at the same time providing advanced capabilities to their clients.”
PRINTERnet allowed Troy, Michigan based Maple Press, a trade printer, to handle the additional workflow volume resulting from increased business received from their clients. “Picking the right equipment has been our key to growing this business,” stated Ron Wells, owner of Maple Press. “The prepress upgrades we have done have allowed our prepress operation to manage the growth.” Maple Press integrated PRINTERnet with their Navigator GPS workflow which drives their CtP and DI press as well as their digital proofer, a Xitron PRISM plain-paper LED printer.
PRINTERnet interfaces with existing Navigator, Torrent or other Harlequin RIPS as well as Xitron Xenith workflow solutions. Connectivity to most third party workflow solutions is also possible with PRINTERnet.
Access to PRINTERnet is via the internet using a web browser from a Mac or PC usually via a link from the printers own website. Clients simply log-in to the system, complete an online job ticket customized by the printer and submit their jobs. When a client submits a PDF file, PRINTERnet automatically preflights the file and if it passes, provides a link to an online soft proof to the client via an email notification. If the job does not pass preflight, the client receives a link to a preflight report detailing the problems and allowing the client to make the necessary adjustments to the file or simply to request that the prepress department take the file and fix the problems. If a PostScript file is submitted, the optional PDF Creator module in PRINTERnet first creates a PDF and then sends the PDF to preflighting and proofing. Other file formats are also accepted and sent to the prepress department for processing and handling.
Xitron offers PRINTERnet solutions including the hardware, software, onsite installation, training and support through its network of OEMs, distributors, dealers, and system integrators worldwide. Xitron RIPs and workflow solutions drive more than 250 different output devices ranging from black and white and color proofers to film imagesetters and the latest in CTP and direct-to-press systems. With shipments of more than 16,000 RIPs, Xitron is the largest independent provider of RIPs in the market. For more information about Xitron products, visit Xitron on the web at