Toronto, Ontario, February 23, 2007 – Crawford Technologies Inc. (CrawfordTech) has announced the availability of major product advancements in its powerful print stream re-engineering product with the release of PRO Document Enhancer Version 3.0. PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 supports the widest variety of input print streams including AFP, PostScript, PDF, PCL and Xerox LCDS/Metacode. PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 is available on all major platforms including Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and z/OS. New features include many advanced capabilities.
Support has been added for the addition of 2D barcodes such as DataMatrix and PDF417 to existing print files, allowing users to take advantage of this technology without rewriting their applications. Support has been added for replacement of older barcodes with the new USPS OneCode 4-State barcode without rewriting application programs.
PRO Document Enhancer Version 3.0 includes the ability to add, suppress or sort pages and sets based on the contents of an external file, so that users can apply postal automation and one-to-one marketing techniques to applications using advanced print stream formats such as PostScript, AFP and PDF.
PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 now includes the ability to convert n-up print files to 1-up format for web presentment purposes or for printing continuous form applications on cut-sheet printers.
The PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 can run as a standalone system to add value to print streams and output the results in the same format (e.g. AFP in to AFP out) or it can be configured to run with the CrawfordTech PRO Transform suite to output a different print stream format (e.g. PDF in to AFP out) in a single pass. In either configuration, existing print streams can be modified to meet new requirements with no need to modify source code.
The PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 supports the PRO Indexer, PRO Splitter and PRO Concatenator optional components, extending its capabilities even further with the introduction of a powerful new if/then/else scripting language to support the most complex applications and requirements. PRO Document Enhancer V3.0 can also interface with most postal optimization software.
To see how CrawfordTech customers are applying PRO Document Enhancer’s full range of powerful capabilities, click PRO Enhancer V3.0.
“With the new capabilities provided in PRO Document Enhancer V3.0, its synergy with PRO optional components and the power of PRO Transform suite, there is no better solution available to corporate, government and service bureau customers for taking control of their operations and implementing application changes for compliance, efficiency and value-added purposes without costly programming changes”, said Ernie Crawford, President, Crawford Technologies Inc..
The new release is being made available to CrawfordTech partners and customers with current support agreements and new customer licenses, beginning in late March.