Berlin, Germany -- Berlin, Germany - The new pdfaPilot 2 from callas software can be used as a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat or as a standalone application. Both versions include - for the first time - an editor for creating user-defined XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata schema. A schema defines the structure of information records. Thus, callas software has enhanced its flagship product for checking and converting PDF/A documents with the ability to define extension schema for user-specific metadata fields. Therefore users do not have to use intricate, manual steps and as a result, company-wide, long-term archiving is simplified and accelerated.
Comprehensive Design Tool for PDF/A Documents
Furthermore, the new version of callas pdfaPilot is a comprehensive design tool for PDF documents. Pages can be changed, colors can be optimized - according to requirements - for printing or for use on the Web, and fonts can be replaced.
Metadata-based identification and tracking use is increasing
The callas pdfaPilot is an easy-to-use, safe tool for checking PDF/A documents and for converting any PDF document so that it complies with ISO 19005-1. In document processes and the identification of documents, metadata - that is, supplementary information on a file such as the name of the author or creation date - is becoming increasingly important. It enables documents to be found more quickly or processed in an automated manner.
The PDF/A standard requires all document metadata - including metadata that is not predefined in the XMP specification - to be defined in an embedded extension schema. Previously, the creation of such extension schemas was difficult and prone to errors. The manual generation and incorporation of extension schemas for user-defined metadata fields is unnecessary in pdfaPilot 2. The software includes an editor for XMP metadata extension schemas - the first tool to support the user in the creation of such company-specific metadata schemas and to then insert them automatically into PDF/A files. The PDF/A documents can be archived immediately.
Independent desktop version
With version 2 of the pdfaPilot, the desktop version is now also available as an independent application. Users can use the software as a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat 8 or 9 Pro, or combine it with Adobe Acrobat Elements or Standard, or with other PDF viewers. callas software continues to offer a server version to enable automated processing or integration into existing workflows. Both versions run on Windows or Mac OS X. pdfaPilot is available with a command-line interface (CLI) and as a programming library (SDK) for integration into other environments and supports Windows, Linux, Sun, AIX, and Mac OS X.
Extensive layout functions
callas software has also given the pdfaPilot 2 extensive layout functions that far exceed the core functions of long-time archiving. A clearly arranged switchboard allows users to create animated presentations, optimized handouts, and brochures in a ready-to-print format as PDF files. In addition, the size of pages can be changed and pages can be turned, combined, or split. Fonts can be embedded or replaced and colors can be optimized for printing or use on the Internet.
The extensive validation functions of the callas pdfaPilot allow all document types that are com-monly processed during everyday work - such as Office documents, interactive forms, presentations, design drawings, and publications like newspapers, journals, and books - to be checked for PDF/A conformity and archived in a way that means they are legible for a long time to come. The layout of the files is retained in full during this process.