Phoenix, AZ - Mutoh America, Inc. introduces MUTOH’s Power Filter: with Mutoh’s Extended Protection Guarantee valid with ANY printer on the Market!
Research has shown that power disturbances cause downtime and loss of revenue.
“$26 Billion dollars a year of lost time and revenue can be attributed to power related problems”.
- Business Week Magazine
Mutoh cares about you and your profit center! No matter what printer you currently own, MUTOH wants you to be making a profit! “MUTOH’s Power Filter: with Mutoh’s Extended Protection Guarantee is designed to maximize the performance of your digital equipment,” said Randy Rickert, Mutoh America’s General Manager.
If your MUTOH Power Filter fails, and fails to protect your properly connected equipment due to abnormal electrical conditions, MUTOH’s Extended Protection Guarantee covers repairs, up to the full replacement value of the machine, for LIFE.
Not a MUTOH customer? Mutoh will still protect your printer guaranteed! Power surges and electrical disturbances found in buildings and power supplies can damage the efficiency and reliability of your digital machine. These common power problems can cause lockups, software corruption, board failures, downed systems, and catastrophic equipment damage.
The MUTOH Power Filter eliminates interference that may interrupt the proper operation of electrical or electronic equipment. MUTOH’s Power Filter provides protection from line to ground and neutral to ground, network protection, fax protection, DSL filtration, Lifetime Warranty, and Revenue Opportunity.
Get your MUTOH Power Filer for only $199.00, visit for more details.