France's most important printing exhibition, the Graphitec-Convertec, will be taking place at the Porte de Versailles in Paris from 9 to 12 June 2009. Because exceptional printing technology can help printing services succeed in the highly competitive print business, particularly in challenging times, KBA-Metronic and KBA-France, subsidiaries of Koenig & Bauer AG, will be showing trade visitors the waterless Genius 52UV allround talent in the convenient B3 format.
The trade fair, held only once every three years, is an important attraction - even beyond France's borders - for decision-makers and those looking for solutions in the printing industry. So visitors are expected from neighboring Switzerland and Belgium, as well as from the Maghreb countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and Mauritania. The exhibition management is ready for up to 13,000 visitors.
Since its launch at drupa 2004, the Genius 52UV has established itself worldwide in printshops, advertising agencies, screenprint and digital printshops, as well as with card manufacturers (credit cards, phone cards, etc.). Satisfied users employ the Genius to produce a wide range of goods for traditional and niche markets, including mouse pads, displays, envelopes, stickers, promotional items, sales wobblers, lenticular/3D-images, labels and tags, and many types of cards in ISO (85.5 x 54 mm) and DIN formats. The machine is ideal and economical for small and medium print runs, and it can process plastics up to 0.8 mm thick, as well as paper and cardboard. Johannes Schaeben, Marketing Manager at KBA-Metronic adds: "It barely takes seven minutes from starting to change the plates until the first good sheet is produced. The Genius 52UV produces a saleable result after just ten sheets. That saves a lot of money - especially with expensive substrates."