December 8, 2008 - Cohoes, NY – Mohawk Fine Papers Inc. has released the Mohawk Via Operator's Manual. This new promotion follows the tradition set by Mohawk Via to produce relevant and useful information for printers in an informative and entertaining way, while once again showcasing how well this value sheet performs across a range of platforms.
The Mohawk Via Operator's Manual displays the well-known characteristics of Via - quality, value, printability, sustainability and flexibility - in one publication that can stand on its own as a reference manual in any print and production library. The Operator's Manual covers topics from controlling dot gain by adjusting curves, and intensifying images with fluorescent touch plates, to images with no tone versus duotone, or demonstrating the 4/color process image quality achievable on all six of Via's finishes.
Designed by Los Angeles-based AdamsMorioka, the images, typography and diagrams used throughout the book demonstrate the quality and printability of the paper. The 6" x 9" size of the book was dictated by the most efficient use of space on each press form. "There are paper promotions with beautiful images of bread or doorknobs but they tell us nothing other than their ability to hold an image. Mohawk has taken the lead by producing not just another promotion, but a true manual designed to demonstrate that what we produce, how it's designed for production and its usefulness in the world are as important as the paper we choose," says Sean Adams, Partner, AdamsMorioka.
Mohawk Via's comprehensive collection of finishes, colors and weights makes it an extremely versatile product. Mohawk Via has made specification easier for printers and designers alike by inserting the most popular finishes into the Mohawk Via line. Mohawk Via also has several whites, making it even easier to mix many finishes into a single project without sacrificing shade. Whether it's a full identity system, brochures, pocket folders, invitations, books, catalogs, posters or presentations, or a combination of all Mohawk Via's six finishes, nine whites, 27 contemporary colors, 30% and 100% PCW FSC-certified options can complete any project with quality and consistency. The Mohawk Via Operator's Manual has an at-a-glance reference chart for easy viewing of Mohawk Via's full range of papers.
The Mohawk Via line, made with non-polluting, renewable wind-generated electricity, also includes Via 25% cotton. Via 25% cotton is a 94-bright economy paper with a rich surface, exceptional laser print performance and 30% post consumer content. Matching envelopes and a variety of weights make 25% Cotton ideal for a full range of business and personal correspondence.
For a copy of the Mohawk Via Operator's Manual, visit us online at or call 1 800 the mill.