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Fry Communications Installs Additional Co-Mailer

Press release from the issuing company

Mechanicsburg, PA -- Fry Communications announces the installation of an additional co-mailing line on-site at its Mechanicsburg, PA, facility. The expansion is a result of overwhelming customer utilization of its existing utility and continued market support for co-mailing efficiencies. Installation began in the first quarter of 2009.

“This additional co-mailing horsepower is a great benefit to our customers who have readily embraced it in view of rising postal rates and continued discounts offered to efficient mailers,” says Steve Grande, Fry’s VP/Sales. “A few years ago we needed to convey to customers the benefits to consider co-mailing; today on-site co-mailing is a de-facto requirement in the vast majority of all customer inquiries.” Fry’s on-site co-mail facility also recently announced its ability to co-mail poly-wrapped products. On-site co-mailing provides for expeditious mail processing and compressed “close to in-home” cycles for mailers.

Celebrating 75 years, Fry Communications Inc. (www.frycomm.com) has continually expanded and diversified to meet the needs of its customers. Fry offers a broad range of service from its campus in Mechanicsburg, PA. One of the nation’s largest privately held integrated communications companies, Fry provides category-leading premedia, printing, distribution, direct mail, fulfillment, and information publishing services to its growing customer base. Fry’s consultative approach creates strong, lasting partnerships, and its diverse resources, respected expertise, and surprising flexibility delivers “outside of the box” solutions to today’s challenges – in print, by direct mail, on the Web, and beyond.