(October 21, 2008) Volume 1: A sleek and informative newsletter published for printers who want to know more about manroland has arrived at print shops throughout North America. The new expressis North America is an 8-page, full-color production that addresses insightful business information. With the first effort titled "Gearing Up For The Future," the plan is to print expressis North America twice a year. Shorter electronic updates will be prepared and sent between printings.
The first issue has something for everyone as topics cover sheetfed, commercial web and newspaper. The welcome message from manroland CEO Vince Lapinski explains what the company rebranding is about and how it relates to your business. One story about large format printing provides examples of how ROLAND 900 presses are getting the job done for manroland customers. In-depth feature stories highlight Transcontinental Inc., the largest printer in Canada, and The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge, La. Shorter stories include a Q & A with printcom VP Eric Reed, a web story about the EUROMAN press, and a quick promotional piece about Graph Expo events.
"Our expressis North America newsletter looks great, reads well, and provides everyone with another vehicle to stay better informed," said Lapinski. "This newsletter helps cut through the clutter and is an interesting and quick read about manroland today. We are excited about publishing this newsletter and have already had some customer feedback on potential content for the future. We plan on applying as many of these good ideas as possible in future publications, and we appreciate hearing from you."
Printers who have questions or did not receive a copy of the newsletter should contact editor Denise Lease at:
[email protected]. If you can't wait, you can download a PDF file of expressis North America on the manroland web sites at www.manroland.us or www.manroland.ca.