Peter Max Poster Created Through Sustainable Green Process
Press release from the issuing company
MERCER ISLAND, WA (May 6, 2008) -- An innovative team of vendors came together to produce a limited edition Peter Max poster, using one of the greenest workflows available. Created by Max to celebrate SustainCommWorld?s 2008 events ? The Business of Green Media and The Green Media Show ? the poster is an outstanding example of what can be accomplished on a fine art level using FSC certified paper, inks with zero VOCs, and printed at a carbon neutral location.
?We were very excited when Peter approached us to create a piece of artwork for our events,? states Lisa Wellman, CEO of SustainCommWorld. ?I have worked with Peter over the last 20 years. Having him create this bold, colorful piece of art for our benefit was a joy. The emotion his work expresses and his commitment to the environment are matched by SustainCommWorld?s commitment to sustainable green communications.?
The Creation
The poster was created with the highest regard for the environment from its conception. At all steps, the environmental attributes were considered through the collaborative efforts of the Peter Max Studio, SustainCommWorld, Appleton Coated and EarthColor. As with any project, the first step was the creation of the artwork. The piece is rendered in Max?s famous signature style and depicts a joyous, exuberant, sustainable world.
?For me, art has always been a celebration of beauty,? said Max. ?And what is more beautiful than a sustainable blue green planet? I am very honored to have created a poster for SustainCommWorld. The media is the canvas and the more we use it to paint a sustainable future, the better the chances our endeavors will come to fruition.?
From inception, EarthColor was involved to environmentally engineer the whole process, establishing a collaborative supply chain involving the entire team.
?SustainCommWorld, the Peter Max studios and EarthColor teamed up to raise the bar, to highlight what can be achieved when all the parties involved collaborate on environmental and social issues,? states David P. Podmayersky, Sustainability Director, EarthColor. ?The personal sense of satisfaction we have all experienced through our involvement in the project far out exceeds the efforts that we put forth. We have made every effort possible to produce this poster and its message in harmony with the natural world.?
The Production
The right paper had to be found that would showcase the work and its colorful nature. Max reviewed a number of options before choosing Appleton Coated?s Utopia Two:Extra Green (U2:XG) for its quality and physical appearance and the very green sustainable method from which it was produced.
?It was an honor to partner with SustainCommWorld and Peter Max on this poster,? said Phil Cavalier, Vice President of Marketing for Appleton Coated. ?When we learned that he wanted excellent ink holdout and color snap on an environmentally-friendly sheet, we knew that U2:XG was the answer. It was the first coated paper in North America to be FSC certified, made with renewable energy and 30% pcw. These triple green attributes make it is easy to specify an eco-friendly paper for print communications.?
The Printing
With the paper selected, EarthColor, a carbon neutral location, was selected to print the poster. Printing with 100% renewable wind energy, EarthColor is the nation?s new #1 renewable energy purchaser in the printing sector according to the EPA.
?Using virtual proofing was part of being environmentally efficient with the use of raw materials. Peter?s high standards were met as he signed off on the first sheet within 30 minutes. Going through multiple press checks is not in accord with sustainable business practices,? said Podmayersky.
The sustainable printing process included green chemistry principles, recycling all residual materials and capturing VOCs from press wash via bio-oxidation. The inks used are a product of INK Systems and contain zero VOCs and are cured without UV. The end results showcase the stunning quality that can be achieved printing green.
The Poster ? Signed Dedicated Posters to Conference Attendees
The posters will be used by SustainCommWorld to promote its two events. The first 300 conference registrants to The Green Media Show coming to Boston October 1 and 2, 2008, will receive a personalized signed copy. Attendees to this past January?s The Business of Green Media Conference produced at Cal Poly University in San Luis Obispo, CA, will be receiving their copies in the mail shortly.
?Through the generosity of Peter Max we have an artwork that speaks to all our aspirations for the greening of business.? states Wellman. ?It also serves as an educational piece in that it incorporates what we call the ?new Colophon? delineating the how, what and where of its creation, its environmental footprint is right there for everyone to see.?
Focus of Boston Conference and Expo
SustainCommWorld ? The Green Media Show will focus on bottom-line solutions including: increased brand equity; growing shareholder value; business risk reduction; supply chain activity; sustainability reporting; carbon foot-printing and more. The conference will offer top executives uniquely valuable perspectives probing every aspect of sustainable communications from initiating a sustainability program, best practices and implementation strategies, to sustainability reports.
The Green Media Show brings together thought leaders in sustainability with a focus on the graphic communication industry and marketing communications, their supply chains and relevant enterprise stakeholders to discuss, challenge, learn and drive implementation of best practices in the greening of media.