DALLAS,TX, April 3 – The Odee Company is now officially dual certified for both Forest Stewardship Council(FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative(SFI) chain of custody certification from sustainable forestry. This in addition to being the only printing company located in the DFW metroplex to be Carbon Free makes us the leading printing company in the DFW metroplex to lead the green printing movement. Sustainable forestry paper has become more readily available at a competitive price and allows customers to have the option of reducing their footprint with their printed products without sacrificing quality or increasing costs.
“We have always tried to be ahead of the curve in helping to reduce our companies footprint,” says Buzz Tatom, president of The Odee Company. “From switching to more efficient lighting and having the option of using vegetable based inks this was a natural step for us to take.” These certifications now give customers options of using a certified printing company whether it be digital, offset printing, small format or large format sheet sizes.
FSC & SFI are leading the way to insuring the use of good forestry practices for sustainable forestry. This allows The Odee Company to give Chain of Custody guarantee to the end user that the paper they are using came from a sustainable forest. Audits are annual and it enables customers to proudly show the appropriate logos(FSC or SFI) that prove the paper they printed on was environmentally friendly.
“We are truly unique and have no peers for having dual certification as well as being carbon free through our purchase of carbon credits from carbonfund.org,” said Tatom.
“Global warming is being debated all over the world and we felt it was important with us using trees primarily as our substrate to give corporations options to use a Sustainable printing company. We have even established a green printing section on our website at www.odeecompany.com/green-printing.php for our customers to access.”
Please direct questions to Buzz Tatom @ 214.340.0415 or
[email protected].