Cambridge UK, 1 April, 2008: The latest version of the Harlequin RIP the Harlequin PLUS Server RIP (v.8.0) - will be given its international debut at drupa (Hall 7, Stand 7.0D). It brings a new level of functionality and performance to a wide variety of pre-press, digital printing, newspaper and workflow applications: notably the ability to
process XPS files natively in addition to native PDF and PostScript processing; even faster processing speeds than its predecessors and a new feature that speeds up variable data processing of PDF files.
The Harlequin PLUS Server RIP was released to Global Graphics' OEMs last September. It is the first commercially available graphic arts RIP to natively process files in the new XPS print format (XML Paper Specification) available with Windows Vista(TM). The XPS format is set to have ramifications for the entire print industry, initially amongst print service providers who already process Microsoft files as well as in-plants and print shops who undertake corporate printing, but ultimately across
most segments of the print industry given the ubiquity of the Windows operating system. Native processing of file formats renders files more accurately and speedily because there is no conversion to an intermediary format.
The Harlequin PLUS Server RIP also introduces support for PDF 1.7 and the PDF/X-4 standard as well as JDF 1.3. There is support for the HD Photo format, a new file format for continuous tone still images that surpasses the limitations of existing image formats with superior compression capabilities and extended dynamic range. There is also support for PANTONE Goe? and platform support has been extended to include Windows Vista and MAC OS X 10.5 (Leopard).