HOUSTON, Texas (August 19, 2008)--COPI (Computer Output Print & Internet), a global provider of technology solutions to the high volume transaction output (HVTO) industry, today announced the launch of its CodeZ QR business division and product line, which supports quick response (QR) code technology. COPI is the major provider of vendor-independent 2D barcode solutions for the transaction output industry. As the next generation in 2D barcodes, COPI's CodeZ QR sub-routine helps to create high-impact, cross media transpromo applications. COPI's new CodeZ QR division will also support enterprises in their efforts to transform transpromo documents into cohesive marketing tools that seamlessly integrate both print and online media.
Joe Barber, chief QR officer of COPI's CodeZ QR division, said, "With the insertion of CodeZ QR into an organization's transactional documents, companies literally transform their transactional printing centers from cost centers into profit centers. The QR code is the tool that makes cross media interactivity a reality for organizations by enabling recipients to move quickly and easily from the printed world to the digital world, where they can engage the organization in social media interaction or pay their bill or view an invitation for additional goods or services."
COPI's CodeZ QR generates QR codes which are easily readable by cell phones and PC cams. Simply pointing a cellular phone or PC cam at the QR symbol instantly connects the recipient to a Web page without ever having to remember or type in URLs, numbers or promotional codes. The Web page, encoded in the QR code, can launch a sales video or a coupon or a personalized product promotion based on the recipients demographic profile.
Barber added, "CodeZ QR is transpromo. It unleashes the power of recipient interactivity on a minimal amount of transpromo-page real estate. It provides enterprises and marketing professionals the technology they need to produce powerful, multi-media transaction documents."
CodeZ QR is a COPI-developed, printer and software vendor-independent subroutine capable of interfacing from the desktop to the datacenter. It interfaces with all high-volume document composition software as well as desktop software. CodeZ QR drives all printers in an enterprise from high-volume data center printers to desktop or decentralized printers. It is font-based versus image-based for maximum processing and printing efficiency for all high-, mid- or low-volume printers.
QR is ISO certified and is the most widely used code in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Telstra, Australia's largest telecommunications company, recently began pre-loading QR readers on all their cell phones in preparation for massive adoption of QR technology. COPI's new CodeZ QR division is focused on providing major corporations around the world with seamless pathways for the integration of QR technology into their transpromo-based marketing programs.
To learn more on how COPI's CodeZ QR can transform transaction and enterprise output to powerful, cross-media interactive transpromo documents, or for a demonstration, contact Joe Barber at 888-999-COPI ext JB or e-mail
[email protected].