Torraspapel Eliminates the Use of Fuel Oil in Its Mills
Press release from the issuing company
March 18, 2008 -- Replacing fuel oil with natural gas results in a 25-30% reduction of CO2 emissions.
Natural gas produces much less CO2 than petroleum derivatives and has the lowest environmental impact of all fossil fuels used, in both the extraction, processing and transport stages as well as in its final usage. In fact, its emissions are 40-50% lower than those of coal and 25-30% lower than fuel oil (*).
One of the environmental goals that Torraspapel, part of the Lecta Group, had undertaken was to eliminate the consumption of fuel oil; by 2006 it represented only 5% of Torraspapel’s fuel consumption, and the complete elimination of this residual consumption was achieved during 2007, being replaced in its entirety by natural gas.
This action falls within the framework of Torraspapel’s mission and its corporate values of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. If you would like to know more about all the company’s initiatives addressed to guaranteeing sustainable development, please consult the Environment section of our website