Ojai, California, November 26, 2008 –The Tiara Group, LLC proudly announces its 26th Annual Imaging Seminar, re-named and re-configured as a toner, ink jet, and imaging media Symposium. The Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles was selected as the venue for this unique event which now ties together four key topics in the imaging materi-als industry-Toner, Ink Jet, Media and Sustainability (the Green Transition).
"We've structured this Symposium to address four of the most important product lines in imaging markets and technology," said Tiara Chairman Art Diamond, explaining that "Trends in technology, the pressure of a weak economy worldwide, and the continuing growth of imaging markets in China, India and Asia signal a strong demand for this all-in-one format."
According to Managing Director Terry Gorka, "We're building this one-of-a-kind event to update our clients in the most efficient, convenient, and comfortable manner by moving to an easily accessible, and affordable, world-class hotel. Tiara is also consulting with an Advisory Board to ensure that the major issues-marketing, technical and legal-are all covered at this integrated event. The Board is comprised of Dr. Nabil Nasr, Assis-tant Provost and Director of the Golisano Institute for Sustainability, at the Rochester Insti-tute of Technology; Professor Harvey R. Levenson, Head, Graphic Communication De-partment, Cal Poly State University; Dr. Brian E. Springett, Principal of Fingerpost Advis-ers; and other industry leaders."
The Registration Fee is $995 with a $100 discount for additional Registrants from the same company. Those attending will receive current information on the state-of-the-art in the various technologies and the overall state of the imaging supplies business directly from an international group of scientists, market analysts, and corporate executives. This information is vital to strategic planning for future company activities and affiliations.
Toner and Ink Jet tracks will be run simultaneously while media, legal and environ-mental topics will be featured on a common, single track.
To properly assess future markets in a high technology industry, CEOs and busi-ness planners must factor in the latest technical intelligence. All too many imaging con-sumable suppliers lose sight of the fact that the market which drives their company is in turn driven by technology. Indeed, they may be savvy about the state-of-the-market, but long range planning demands a keen awareness of trends in the state-of-the-art.
To enhance the technical strength of firms active in the imaging industry, we long ago saw the need to provide the kind of technical backup that would help strike a balance between marketing and technical data sources.
Put another way, there is a basic need among companies offering imaging products and services to temper the forecasts of their sales management team with the input pf sci-entific experts active in the same field.
Knowing where imaging technology stands today, knowing what can and cannot be achieved with ink jet and toner based processes, and monitoring competing technologies, are the keys to future markets. No one has a high-resolution crystal ball that can accu-rately predict the future. But, combining the latest technical intelligence with market statis-tics will surely sharpen your focus on tomorrow's product potentials and strategic business opportunities.
For the past 25 years, we have helped the imaging industry keep abreast of com-petitive activity and game changing breakthroughs. This vital information has saved pre-cious time and money invested in research and development activities.
Here are five of the best reasons why our industry seminars and symposia have value beyond technical society meetings and trade fairs:
1.Technical society presentations are typically too complex, too highly focused, and too arcane to be easily assimilated into the big picture. Our Imaging
Industry Seminars stress the importance of clear, bottom line conclusions.
2.Trade fairs are usually too crowded for good attendee-speaker interaction. We prompt, encourage, and solicit questions from the floor that challenge each Speaker.
3.Our industry seminars bring top experts together in a controlled environment. These research and marketing executives can "bottom line" the latest advances
in technology and the latest machine and media introductions.
4.With attendance running between 100 and 200, seminar registrants are more inclined to challenge each Speaker. The smaller the audience, the less inhibited individuals become in getting up before a group to voice their opinions.
5.Networking is our forté. We recognize the value of this kind of interaction. We encourage it; plan for it; and schedule it into our programs.
Finally, as Dr. Brian E. Springett has noted, "It is not just the Speakers that partici-pants learn from at these highly interactive Seminars. Indeed, much of the takeaway in-formation comes from the seated Registrants, their questions and comments, refreshment and meal break conversations, and other Networking opportunities".
Here, in a safe harbor, dotted with pleasure boats, just west of Los Angeles, stands the majestic Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel. This high-end, 10-story resort, situated on 4 acres, is a 15-minute drive from Los Angeles Airport (LAX). Recently remodeled rooms are
designed for business and pleasure with ergonomic chairs, dual-line phones, dataport, voicemail, daily newspaper delivery, and high speed internet access.
Cycling and running paths are located along the marina, and bicycle rental outlets are nearby. A casual restaurant serves California/American fare for all meals, while the
restaurant and lobby areas offer wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet access. The hotel's 4,200 square foot rooftop ballroom provides a memorable dining experience with its jaw dropping harbor and city views.
The Marina del Rey Marriott is favored by business travelers for its proximity to LAX and the best that L.A. has to offer in dining, shopping, and entertainment.
The first 10 companies to complete the registration of at least one attendee will qualify for a free table-top Exhibit at the Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel.
Exhibits consist of a six-foot long, skirted table with two chairs and appropriate ex-hibit space in the Exhibit area adjoining the lecture rooms
What follows is a rough outline of the event showing the combined single (general) and dual track sessions and identifying some of the specific topics.
To cover the vast landscape of the imaging industry, the Symposium will feature three General Sessions with all participants in attendance. Afternoon breakout sessions will address critical topics in toner, ink jet ink and media. Other issues include the increas-ing use of digital technologies among commercial print shops, large and small, legal is-sues, the continuing shift to color in toner and ink jet systems, sustainability, and image permanence.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
7:30 AM GOLF: The Rancho Palos Verdes Challenge
Trump National Golf Course
toLow Net, Low Gross Flights;
12:00 MMen & Women's Competition
10:30 AM Exhibitor Set-Ups
Monday, May 4, 2009
8:00 AM Small Printers & In-Plants are Becoming Digital,
Sustainable, Productive & Profitable
8:45 AM Legal Issues – Compatibles, Cores & Customs
9:30 AM Morning Break
9:45 AM The Continuing Shift to Color in Toner & Ink Jet Systems
10:30 AM Ink Jet vs Toner Cartridges
11:15 AM Unassigned
12:00 Noon Luncheon
1:30 PM Changing Toner Resins
2:45 PM The Latest Word on CPTs
3:30 PM Afternoon Break
4:45 PM What's New in Toner Plant Equipment?
5:30 PM What's New in Toner Additives?
6:15 PM Conference Adjourns
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
8:00 AM World Market Overview – Toner Printing
8:45 AM World Market Overview – Ink Jet Printing
9:30 AM Morning Break
9:45 AM Environmental Issues – An Update on the REACH Program
10:30 AM Unassigned
11:15 AM Panel Discussion: Topic TBA
12:15 PM Luncheon
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
8:00 AM Print Permanence as a Function of Media
8:45 AM Asian Producers of Imaging Media
9:30 AM Morning Break
9:45 AM An Overview of Media Types & Applications
10:45 AM Unassigned
11:45 AM Panel Discussion: Topic TBA
12:30 PMSymposium Ends
This year's gathering of imaging materials scientists and executives will feature one of the industry's finest Networking programs. Toner, ink jet and media manufacturing and marketing executives, scientists, raw material suppliers, distributors, dealers and custom-ers will rendezvous at Marina del Rey. Many attendees will make their business deals on the beach, on the golf course, poolside, or at one of this coastal city's fine restaurants.
Says Terry Gorka, "While relaxing in the comfort of this luxury seaside resort, regis-trants can conduct serious business, learn about the newest technical advances, be briefed on the latest market trends, meet privately with suppliers, producers, and custom-ers, and establish personal relationships with the industry's major players."