Quebecor World to Delay Release and Filing of 2007 Financial Statements
Press release from the issuing company
Montréal, Canada. March 19, 2008 -- Quebecor World Inc. today announces that, in view of its filing for creditor protection in Canada and the United States, it will delay the release and filing of its consolidated financial statements, management's discussion and analysis and annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2007. Quebecor World expects that it will only be in a position to release and file its 2007 year-end audited consolidated financial statements, management's discussion and analysis and annual information form towards the end of April 2008. Quebecor World is seeking an amendment to the credit agreement with its debtor-in-possession (DIP) lenders in connection with the delay in releasing and filing its 2007 audited financial statements.
Due to the late filing, Quebecor World is requesting that the Autorité des Marchés Financiers of Quebec impose a management cease trade order precluding Quebecor World's directors and officers from trading in Quebecor World's securities. Quebecor World intends to provide the information required by CSA Staff Notice 57-301 and Ontario Securities Commission Policy 57-603, including the issuance of status update reports every two weeks, for as long as the consolidated financial statements are not filed.