Publication Proofing System Released by Fusion Systems
Press release from the issuing company
February 26, 2008. Portland, OR - Fusion Systems International today announced release of Publication Proofing System (PPS) version 2.0, a Web-based soft-proofing workflow designed specifically for newspapers and publishers.
Advanced controls for automated post-RIP page-pairing and imposition, integration with popular imposition applications, job approval/rejection control, file-flow automation based on standardized publication naming conventions, workflow automation decoupled from the need for communications to an upfront publication planning system, and ease of use are among the latest features in PPS 2 -- in addition to already existing features of press-accurate proofing, and being able to email, delete, and print job proofs.
With a Web-based interface that is easy to navigate and operate, PPS provides to production personnel an immediate understanding of what stage in production a page or jobs are at (ripped, approved or rejected, deleted, imposed/plated). PPS puts oversight and control of ads and publication pages into the hands of the production managers, designers and employees who need it most – with access from within a corporate network or from without it (with proper network security).
PPS 2.0 is a core component of Fusion Systems International's Workflow ESP Advanced automated prepress workflow solution. It is designed to work with any Harlequin-based RIP or workflow, including Fusion Systems International's own Workflow ESP workflows, automated prepress solutions, and the Fusion RIP.
Fusion Systems International will give live demonstrations of PPS 2.0 -- as well as other of their latest Apple Mac OS X prepress workflow solutions -- at the America East Newspaper Conference, in Hershey, PA, this year (March 11-12, 2008, in Booth 76) and at Nexpo (April 12-15, 2008, in Booth 1442).
With PPS 2.0, a full PDF workflow, rasterized PDF files are created directly from plate separations to provide a press-accurate DotLocked preview of exactly how production pages will print. It provides automated, post-RIP, page proofing in just about any Web browser. Optimized for newspaper and publication environments, it provides a simple and organized way to soft proof and approve pages and ads exactly as they will print on the press. Customer service reps, sales people and (optionally) customers can view halftone press-accurate proofs as soon as a page is RIPped.