L + L Printers Installs New 40-Inch Mitsubishi Press
Press release from the issuing company
CARLSBAD, Calif. -- L + L Printers, a 48-year-old commercial printer, installed a four-color, 40-inch Mitsubishi Diamond 3000S sheetfed press with an aqueous coating unit. The press has augmented capacity at L + L Printers' main plant in Carlsbad, Calif., and will enable the privately owned firm to provide fast turnarounds on a variety of commercial projects.
The Diamond 3000S joined an eight-color, 40-inch Mitsubishi press with coater installed in 2000. For Bill Anderson, president of L + L Printers, value, quality and reliability were the most important factors in his company's decision to install another Mitsubishi press.
"I am very impressed by the print quality of both the older Mitsubishi and the new press," Anderson said. "We can print jobs on either press, and the quality is fantastic. Having press operators that are already familiar with Mitsubishi presses is a great advantage as well. From this point on, I would have to look long and hard before I would switch to a different press manufacturer."
Founded in 1959, L + L Printers employs 49 people at its 40,000-square-foot Carlsbad facility. A second facility, in San Diego, occupies 10,000 square feet with 17 employees. The Carlsbad location emphasizes 40-inch work for the local market, while the satellite plant mainly focuses on smaller-format sheetfed jobs and digital on-demand printing for its San Diego clientele.
The Mitsubishi presses are used to print action sports catalogs, annual reports, marketing materials and point-of-purchase displays. Anderson estimated that upwards of 70 percent of the work is four-color process.
"The four-color makereadies are quicker, so we can turn around these jobs very fast," he said. "The combination of sophisticated prepress software, computer-to-plate imaging and printing technology produces beautiful four-color work. The eight-color press easily accommodates jobs that require five or more colors or specialty work with metallic inks. We are well-equipped to handle our increasing print volume."