Dr. Adrian J. Bernagozzi, Professor and Administrator, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO was presented with the Dr. Richard F. Hannemann Service Award during the October 15, 2006 Annual Board of Directors meeting of the Accrediting Council for Collegiate Graphic Communications, Inc. This award was named for the first president of ACCGC, the late Dr. Richard F. Hannemann, who was a Professor of Graphic Communications at California State University-Chico. Dr. Hannemann was a leader of leaders and deeply involved in professional activities that strengthened education in general and graphic communications specifically. Dr. Hannemann was instrumental in the foundation of ACCGC in 1998 and provided considerable leadership until his untimely death from cancer in July 2002.
Dr. Bernagozzi is the first person to receive this prestigious award from the ACCGC Board of Directors following the presentation of a recognition plaque to Mrs. Pattie Hannemann in September 2005. Dr. Bernagozzi was involved in the foundation of ACCGC through his involvement in helping establish the need and purpose of the Accrediting Council during the early 1990’s. He was a member of the original Board of Directors elected in 1998 and later became president of ACCGC. He served as the “acting” Managing Director of the Council for three years during which time he lead the lengthy application process for tax exemption status for ACCGC. He also was instrumental in coordinating the arrangements for the first three university graphic communications programs accredited by ACCGC.
Accreditation Committee Chair, Dr. Thomas E. Schildgen, Arizona State University, stated that Dr. Bernagozzi is a person who has made a career commitment to graphic arts education through his teaching, professional association service, and leadership by example. ACCGC Treasurer, Dr. Jerry J. Waite, University of Houston, was quick to add that Adrian completed the 501-C-3 process for the council, obtained IRS certification, and was “always” there for the ACCGC Board. ACCGC Secretary, Rebecca M. Miller, Quad/Graphics, Inc., credited Adrian Bernagozzi with the ability to know how to work with industry personnel when “off campus,” but then being able to walk into the classroom and command respect from his students because of his ability to teach them the latest graphic communications technology and management techniques. Another person who has high respect for Dr. Bernagozzi is the ACCGC President, Dr. Harvey R. Levenson, California Polytechnic State University; he states that, “Adrian was an important mentor to many of us on the ACCGC board of directors in the organization’s formative years. Adrian was instrumental to developing the ACCGC bylaws and, thus, ensuring that the organization was run and managed according to professional standards.
Congratulations Dr. Adrian J. Bernagozzi, Professor and Administrator, University of Central Missouri, for being the 2006 recipient of the Dr. Richard F. Hannemann Service Award from ACCGC. To be honored and recognized by your colleagues is among the highest honors available. Lead on!