Elite Color Technologies moving up to eight-up with a new ROLAND 700
Press release from the issuing company
Elite Color Technologies in Gardena, California is ready to install a five-color-with-coater ROLAND 700 to step-up to 40-inch printing. The press is scheduled for a December delivery and a January installation.
"We have a 29-inch six-color MAN Roland press and we're very comfortable with it," explains Jae Kim, Manager. "It runs well, it delivers fast makereadies, and it produces first rate quality on a wide variety of stocks."
The problem: While business is good for the half-size format, opportunities to produce jobs suited to 40-inch equipment are passing Elite by. "About 50 percent of my current customers have 40 inch jobs, but they have to send them to someone else, because while our quality is great, we can't beat the 40-inch prices. With the ROLAND 700, we'll be able to pick up that work."
The ROLAND 700 features the fastest makereadies in its class, thanks to its printnet networking and operating system. Printers who want to see the ROLAND 700 in action should visit the MAN Roland exhibit at Graph Expo - #3237.