NEW YORK, N.Y--July 31, 2006-- The Graphic Communication Scholarship, Award and Career Advancement Foundation outlined an expanded industry role at its recent annual board of directors meeting. Mark Darlow, who was re-elected president of the foundation at the meeting, outlined plans for internship and mentoring programs as well as an outreach program to Hispanic students planning graphic communications careers.
Also named at the meeting, which was held at TanaSeybert in Manhattan, were David Luke, vice president; Steve Davidson, second vice president; and William A. Dirzulaitis, treasurer.
The foundation"s fifth annual scholarship awards ceremony is set for June 2007. Scholarships are awarded to high school graduates and college students planning careers in graphic communications. This year, 19 scholarships were awarded. According to Darlow, double that number will be given in 2007.
Darlow said, "In my 40 years in the industry, I have never seen such interest in diversified graphics by publishers, educational institutions and the electronic and print media. We are a truly a major factor in this current electronic age."
He added: "The next generation of graphic communications practitioners will reflect the advanced graphics education offered at both the high school and university levels. Previously most newcomers to the field came from trade schools or learned their skills on the job."
For additional information, contact Mark Darlow at
[email protected] or (917) 476-3759.