Quad/Graphics Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Tom Quadracci has been named
the recipient of the Web Offset Association’s eighth annual Harry V. Quadracci VISION Award for leadership, achievement and visionary excellence in heatset web offset printing.
Tom will be presented the award on Monday, May 22, 2006, as part of the WOA’s
54th Annual Management and Technical Conference in Kissimmee, Fla.
The award is given to a web offset industry executive who has reached an unsurpassed level of excellence and achievement in the industry. According to the WOA, it created the award to highlight the spirit of industry pioneers, whose hard work and determination create a vibrant, growing and changing industry.
Originally known as the VISION Award, the honor was later renamed after our late company founder, Harry V. Quadracci, who was the award’s inaugural recipient in
May 1999.
Other past honorees have been Roger Perry, former owner and chairman of Perry Printing; John Frautschi, board chairman of Webcrafters, Inc.; Thomas Brinkman, Sr., founder of Metroweb Corporation; Edward Barr, chairman of Sun Chemical Group B.V.; Jerry Williamson, CEO of Williamson Printing Corporation; and F. Edwards Treis, Chairman of Arandell Corporation.