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PDF Forum for Print Production in Miami

Press release from the issuing company

For the first time XPLOR is organizing the international conference PDF FORUM for Print Production, February 1 - 4, 2006 in the Miami Beach Convention Center, Florida, USA. PDF has become the preferred format for the exchange of prepress data for print production. PDF is also the internal format of most of the production workflows for commercial and digital printing. Standards like PDF/X and JDF help streamlining these workflows. The chairman of the PDF-FORUM, well known PDF expert Stephan Jaeggi from Switzerland, has invited industry experts, advanced users and leading developers from the US and Europe to share their knowledge and experience about state of the art PDF applications and future developments. Before and after the main conference, the attendees will have the opportunity to participate at specialized tutorials and get valuable indepth knowledge from insiders. For more information go to http://www.pdf-forum.info/. One of the highlights of the PDF FORUM will certainly be the keynote of Gary Cosimini, Adobe Systems who was with the Adobe Acrobat Team since Version 1.0 and who played an important role in establishing PDF as a standard format for printing, will make a special look back and into the future of Acrobat and PDF. In an other interesting session we will discuss the impact of the new XPS (XML Paper Specification) format from Microsoft (AKA „Metro“) with the program manager from Microsoft and the CTO of Global Graphics. The other sessions will cover the status of most important standards for PDF based print production workflow: PDF/X and JDF. We will talk about state of the art PDF creation with the product managers of Adobe and Quark as well as the vice president of the Ghent PDF Workgroup. In the Digital Printing track interesting new Web-to-Print concepts will be presented. In the Commercial Printing track the benefits of comprehensive PDF workflows systems from one vendor versus do-it-yourself workflows will be discussed. A report from a digital proofing test is also on the agenda. Members of the European Color Initiative will present a yet unpublished study on the use of PDF color management in todays desktop application and they will outline what has to de done to be successful with device independent PDF workflows. The PDF FORUM is supported by the following partners: Adobe Systems, CIP4, European Color Initiative (ECI), Ghent PDF Workgroup, IPA and Planet PDF. The attendees of the PDF FORUM will also be able to join one of the other six XPLOR conferences in Miami Beach. Especially the free JDF Day organized by CIP4 on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2006 will be a good supplement to the PDF FORUM. They can also visit the Graphics of the Americas trade show on Feb. 3 – 5. More information on all XPLOR+GOA2006 events can be found at http://www.xplor2006.org/.