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Esdeva (Brazil) Acquires Third Goss Sunday 2000 Press

Press release from the issuing company

August 31st, 2005 – Commercial printer Esdeva, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil, has invested in a 24-page gapless Goss Sunday 2000 press to increase its productivity. This will be the third Sunday 2000 press ordered by Esdeva and demonstrates the company’s satisfaction and success with Sunday technology. The new press will be rated at 65,000 cph Marcos Neves, Executive Director of Esdeva comments, “The economic development of Brazil has led us to invest with Goss. We decided to purchase our third Sunday 2000 press model as we have worked with web presses for over 9 years and it is extremely important for us to know and trust the equipment we are using. That, coupled with the unquestionable quality of the Sunday press technology, has made this the right time for Esdeva to expand its production capabilities.” Printing primarily for the magazine, book and insert markets, Esdeva works with very short lead times. "In our particular market, there is a high level of importance placed on the delivery of the job, so we need to take full advantage of the features and speed of our Sunday 2000 presses," explains Neves. The new four unit Goss Sunday 2000 press at Esdeva will be configured with its own Goss Contiweb splicer, Ecotherm dryer and PCF-1.2 pinless combination folder. Among the many benefits of the Goss Sunday press, Neves cites the paper savings Esdeva achieves, due to the gapless and pinless technology, as well as overall productivity. The relationship between Goss and Heidelberg Brazil is another important factor in Esdeva''s decision to purchase a third Sunday 2000. "The fact that we are buying a Goss press, together with local support from Heidelberg Brazil, gives us a lot of security which is crucial when making a large investment such as this," affirms Neves. The remote service system from Goss, which allows Esdeva to connect directly with a Goss service facility via modem, has been praised by Neves. "We have connectivity 24 hours a day,” he enthuses. Once connected to the press control system, Goss factory technicians can perform remote diagnostic procedures to find and fix any issues. “We can call anytime - day or night - and speak to a Goss technician. We have had excellent experience with this service and it has contributed significantly to reduce machine downtime." The new Goss Sunday 2000 press will be installed at Esdeva by the end of 2005 and will be the fifth Sunday press installed in Brazil. Phil Burke, Director of Sales - Commercial Web for Latin America, concludes, "The addition of a third Sunday press reflects the confidence Esdeva has in Goss’ gapless technology and the proven ability of that technology to deliver a competitive advantage in the marketplace."