IPA Color Proofing RoundUP Confirms Strength and Depth of Kodak's Proofing Portfolio
Press release from the issuing company
ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 28 -- Kodak’s broad portfolio of proofing solutions swept the top seven spots in the critical Visual Image Quality test at this year’s IPAColor Proofing RoundUP. Conducted during the recent 40th Annual IPA Technical Conference, the 3rd Annual IPA Color Proofing RoundUP included a comprehensive evaluation of 27 leading color proofing systems.
Kodak’s seven proofing systems represent three different technologies, including thermal laser, MULTI-DROP ARRAY inkjet, and virtual proofing: the leading virtual (monitor) proofing systems (MATCHPRINT Virtual Proofing System and SYNAPSE InSite with InSite Color option); the leading thermal (laser) halftone proofing systems (KODAK APPROVAL Digital Color Imaging System and TRENDSETTER SPECTRUM Digital Halftone Proofer with MATCHPRINT Digital Halftone Media); and the leading premium inkjet proofing solution (VERIS Proofer).
“No matter which proofing technology our customers select, they can be confident in the system’s ability to reproduce color with a degree of accuracy that leads the industry,” said Barry Quart, marketing leader, United States & Canada, Kodak’s Graphic Communications Group. “Securing the top seven spots in North America’s premier technical proofing demonstration reflects our commitment to providing a comprehensive range of proven proofing solutions that meet the unique needs of each customer.”
In the RoundUP’s colorimetric measurement testing, each of the four KODAK hardcopy proofing solutions (KODAK APPROVAL System, MATCHPRINT Digital Halftone Media imaged on a TRENDSETTER SPECTRUM Digital Halftone Proofer, MATCHPRINT PROOFPRO Inkjet System and the VERIS proofer) achieved an average DELTA E of 1.29 or less.
Kodak’s virtual proofing technology continues to set the standard for contract quality proofing on the monitor. The MATCHPRINT Virtual Proofing System displayed on an APPLE Cinema 30-inch monitor was ranked as the most accurate visual match to press over all proofing systems entered in the event. Kodak’s virtual proofing technology also dominated the IPA’s Soft Proofing category. The MATCHPRINT Virtual Proofing System displayed on APPLE Cinema 30-inch, EIZO ColorEdge CG21, and APPLE Cinema 23-inch monitors, and SYNAPSE InSite with the InSite Color option with EZIO ColorEdge CG21 monitor, earned the four highest spots in visual match to the press sheet among monitor proofing solutions.
The KODAK APPROVAL Digital Color Imaging System, known for its ability to accurately predict color and show true halftone capabilities on the printed substrate, scored second in the spot color category, highlighting its ability to manage spot colors for packaging applications.
The MATCHPRINT Digital Halftone Media imaged on the TRENDSETTER SPECTRUM Digital Halftone Proofer achieved the best visual score of any hard proof solution submitted in the RoundUP. These results demonstrate how Kodak can help customers control color within their businesses with consistent and complementary proofing solutions.