Berlin, Germany -- April 23, 2008 -- callas software welcomes the PDF/A test suite "Isartor" (ee-sar-tor), introduced at the PDF/A conference in Amsterdam. callas, the provider of software for validation and conversion of PDF files, announces full compatibility with the test suite. The PDF/A test suite will be publicly available in early summer 2008. All PDF/A related products from callas software will support Isartor from the first date the test suite is being published.
"The PDF/A test suite ends the situation in which some users were not sure whether a given PDF/A application fully supports the PDF/A standard or not. The new test suite has been specified and implemented by international PDF experts and 'translates' the PDF/A standard into common, practical test cases. All the PDF/A software industry and their customers take advantage of the new PDF/A test suite. It has sometimes been difficult until now to explain differences between different PDF/A products. callas software for example is now in the situation to prove full PDF/A support based on an independent test field," says Olaf Drümmer, Managing Director, callas software GmbH.
PDF/A test suite, developed by PDF/A Competence Center:
The PDF/A test suite offers practical tests for all details of PDF/A, the ISO standard for long term archiving of electronic documents. It has been developed with the contribution of several providers of PDF/A software worldwide, organized as the Technical Working Group of the PDF/A Competence Center. The PDF/A test suite comprises more than 200 PDF files that have been specially designed to test all aspects of the PDF/A standard: Each PDF contains one distinct and particular property that is prohibited in the PDF/A standard. Additional information incorporated into each of these files describes the test case and makes it very easy to check whether a PDF/A program is able to properly identify the respective problem.
The PDF/A test suite is a unique tool for developers and providers of PDF/A programs to prove that their products fully support the ISO standard PDF/A. Any uncertainties about how the PDF/A standard is being understood are clarified and differences in the results between the programs from different vendors are thereby avoided. It offers a common base to all vendors of PDF/A products. In addition, uncertainties for end users are eliminated by allowing for user friendly testing of PDF/A applications that does not require deeper PDF knowledge.