White Stone, VA, March 2005—The R&E Council of NAPL spring meeting—to be held April 7 and 8, 2005, in Pewaukee, Wisconsin—will include tours of the Quad/Graphics showcase Sussex, Wisconsin, manufacturing facility and QuadTech headquarters, plus the Harry V. Quadracci Printing and Graphics Center at the Waukesha County Technical College. The meeting follows immediately the 47th annual R&E Council Bindery Seminar, in Chicago on April 5 and 6. Registration information is available from the R&E Council at 804-436-9922 or via Email at
[email protected].
Since 1950, the Research & Engineering Council of the National Association for Printing Leadership has been dedicated to the education of printing industry personnel in the latest technologies and productivity improvement methods. The Council conducts seminars at which publishers, printers, educators, consultants and suppliers meet to share information and learn about leading edge technologies affecting the graphic arts industry. At three annual seminars—Pressroom, Bindery, and Digital Smart Factory—the latest technologies are reviewed in the context of actual print production. The Council also holds technology breakfasts at key industry trade shows, and an annual meeting highlighting critical trends in the graphic arts industry. Information regarding membership and seminars is available from the Council at 804-436-9922, at
[email protected], or at www.recouncil.org. Hear It Here First at the R&E Council.
Chartered in 1933, NAPL is a not-for-profit trade association representing some 2000 printing companies in the $88 billion commercial printing industry. The NAPL mission is to enable the printing community to profit from change through a full range of management, educational, and economic information and analysis services to members. For detailed information, call NAPL at 800-642-6275, or online at www.napl.org.