CHAMBERSBURG, PA - When established in 1975, ABC Advisors founder Bill Gindlesperger provided hands-on consulting services to printers interested in gaining work from the Federal Government Printing Office. That often meant spending much of his time in an airplane flying to client locations and assisting in the targeting of the right jobs and using historical data to bid a winning price.
While the technology we all use has permitted this level of consulting to occur without involving plane fare, ABC and its printer clients are still using tried and true formulas to achieve success. This past year, for example, ABC clients were paid nearly $223 million by the GPO for printing work.
Vice President for ABC Advisors Series, Deborah Snider, says firms who take advantage of what GPO offers come in all shapes and sizes, but each has a common business interest to maximize capacity and profits.
"The GPO has always been a market where big printers look for big jobs such as those offered by agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, and ABC has a long history of assisting those firms," Snider states. "But, we have equal success helping printers who specialize in short and medium runs, or those who offer a printed specialty."
Printers assisted by ABC obtained as little as $75,000 and as much as $22 million of yearly volume from the GPO in 2004. In addition, many of these firms are assisted by ABC in also obtaining state and commercial work.