Rampage Systems expands screening options with Liso and Segundo
Press release from the issuing company
Rampage Systems, Booth 4466, Graph Expo ’04 – Rampage Systems now offers two new screening options for the Rampage prepress workflow. Liso is a multi-phase hybrid option, and Segundo is a second-order stochastic option.
Liso offers high linescreens under standard press conditions
Liso offers the intense detail of stochastic screening, but behaves similarly on press to conventional screening, which it uses in the midtones. At a point where dots cannot be reproduced on press, Liso shifts to a fixed size and removes dots as necessary to hold detail in extreme highlights and shadows. To prevent artifacts as dots change from variable to fixed size, Liso adds a user-definable transition phase. In this phase, dot size can still vary, but the process of removing them begins.
Segundo uses diffusion dithering to eliminate tiling artifacts
As with other stochastic options, Segundo offers stunning clarity and sharpness while eliminating moire´ and rosette patterns. Because of today’s faster computers, Segundo can use diffusion dithering instead of tiles, which are used in older FM offerings. As such, it prevents repetition patterns.