Dalim Software Introduces Automated Production Workflow Applications For Mac Os X
Press release from the issuing company
Kehl, Germany – In their continuing aim to present their award-winning innovative productivity solutions to as wide a user base as possible, Dalim Software will introduce new versions of its automated workflow production software tools for the print, publishing and packaging industries running on the Mac OS X operating system at Graph Expo 2004, booth 5066.
DALiM SWiNG v5 and DALiM TWiST v5 are JDF-enabled, automated production workflow solutions. Introduced at DRUPA 2004 on the Red Hat Linux operating system, both products are now also available for use on G4 and G5 systems from Apple Computer Inc. This includes version 5.0 of DALiM TWiST intelligent automated workflow software, the single biggest upgrade ever made to the product that pioneered automated prepress workflow software, with a completely new server architecture providing exceptional levels of performance and resilience.
Dalim Software, in a ground-breaking move, was the first company to port major workflow applications to the Linux platform. In doing so, it gave printers a choice to operate the company’s advanced workflow automation applications on cost-effective Intel-based platforms utilizing the high performance capabilities of Linux. Now, with the UNIX-like underpinnings of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system, companies can choose between Intel/AMD based servers and Apple’s PowerMac and XServe range.
Dalim Software applications include:
DALiM TWiST version 5.0 – This powerful intelligent automated workflow software is based on modular tools that can rapidly be configured into an almost infinite variety of automatic processing paths. Making its U.S. debut at Graph Expo 2004, the JDF-enabled version 5 of DALiM TWiST is a total ‘ground-up’ rebuild, offering maximum resiliency, built-in system failover, advanced load balancing, native PDF 1.4 and PDF 1.5 file support, a totally new and easy-to-use graphical user interface, PDF/X-1a:2003; PDF/X-3: 2003, Pass4Press(v4) and PDF/X Plus file output and introduces a raft of innovative new preflight and colour separation mapping tools to the industry.
DALiM DiALOGUE version 3.0 - The only such system available under the Macintosh OS X operating system, this stand-alone application enables remote and collaborative viewing and soft proofing of high-resolution files (such as PDF, PDF/X, PostScript, CT/LW, TIFF, etc.) via the Internet. Introduced at Graph Expo is a web-based job approval system that can automatically initiate pre-defined actions upon authorization from a user-specified approval list. Utilizing unique data-streaming technology to standard web-browsers, users view high-resolution files in real time without the need for client software. Customers zoom, navigate, place virtual notes, take densitometer readings, and can ‘chat’ in real time.
“With Mac OS X and the G5 processor, Apple has combined the robustness and flexibility of a UNIX-like operating system with a high-performance architecture – a perfect combination with which to base a Dalim Software system”, says Gee Ranasinha, Dalim Software marketing director. Customers can now install Dalim Software applications on G5 workstations, or even on XServe systems that can even be clustered if desired. Alternatively, they can continue to base their servers on Intel/AMD-based platforms. In the end, it’s all about choice.”