(Rochester, Minnesota; August 12, 2004) -- Technology consulting firm Doculabs has released a review that demonstrates the significant business value provided by MetaViewer Enterprise 6.4. The review provides an overview of the Metafile product’s capabilities to capture documents via scanning of paper documents and print capture of reports generated on a host computer and personal computers. It also details a series of applications in which the Metafile product provides significant business value to organizations including reducing the order to cash cycle with turnaround documents, accessing information for improved customer service, and improved access to customer information. A copy of the complete review can be accessed on the web at …. http://mv.metafile.com/news/press/doculabswhitepaper.pdf
“Many organizations face operational challenges in accessing information from accounting, order processing, inventory, customer service, and other administrative systems,” said Gautam Desai, Vice President of Research, Doculabs, Inc. “Metafile software provides a solution to meet these specific needs by capturing and indexing the print streams from a wide range of applications including both structured and unstructured content. This makes it possible for business users to access the information they need when they need it. MetaViewer Enterprise provides this highly specific functionality at a very low price point.”
Metafile technology provides business value in a wide range of applications such as reducing the order-to-cash cycle for manufacturing and distribution companies. For example, a customer-signed bill of lading often initiates the process of sending the invoice to the customer. Using MetaViewer, an identifying bar code is placed on the bill of lading before it goes out the door to allow automatic indexing when it is returned to the source. The receipt of the indexed bill of lading can then trigger creation of the invoice. If questions arise later, the bill of lading can be called up in seconds and, if necessary, faxed or emailed to the customer.
The Doculabs review also highlights the ability of Metafile technology to help businesses improve the timeliness and quality of service they provide to customers. The example highlighted in the review presents a situation where the only information available for searching is the amount paid in sales tax. Metafile provides a unique approach for this scenario, with robust query capabilities and a Word Wheel feature that displays all the indexed words in a given document set. The user quickly finds their document by searching for the word “sales” and “tax” within five words of each other and the amount $80.64.
MetaViewer also provides a unique solution for the problem of converting large volumes of historical data into a new system. The Doculab report identifies the typical situation where a manufacturer is replacing an older sales tracking system with a newer customer relationship management system. Some of the information in the older system cannot be practically converted to the newer system. So an end user selects the most comprehensive reports in the sales tracking system and sends them to MetaViewer for full-text indexing. This approach provides access to the old sales data at a cost that may be far less than data conversion. The report concludes that Metafile offers a cost-effective solution that can provide a wide range of significant business benefits.
For more information about MetaViewer Enterprise, contact Metafile Information Systems, Inc., 2900 43rd St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Call 1-800-638-2445 or e-mail
[email protected]. Visit Metafile on the web at http://www.metafile.com or http://mv.metafile.com