Oce PRISMA Workflow Model for Specific Business Environments Gaining Validation in Marketplace
Press release from the issuing company
Boca Raton, FL—July 23, 2004 -- Oce, a global leader in digital document management and delivery solutions, today announced that the market adoption of Océ PRISMA software continues to accelerate. Océ PRISMA, an integrated family of adaptive workflow software, provides the most complete solution available today with modules that improve every point in printing and reprographics processes, from creation through archiving and storage.
A recent research report by MWA Consulting, a respected research and consulting organization serving the digital document industry, ranked Océ PRISMA software as the leading printing workflow solution, following analysis of products from major printing and multifunction vendors EFI, IBM, Océ and Xerox. According to MWA, “Only one family of workflow software – Océ PRISMA software – provides continuity across all four market segments with the required robustness to be a serious contender.”
Earlier this year, Océ aligned the broad Océ PRISMA architecture to the requirements of four printing environments – on-demand, transactional, office network and CRD – to make it easier for customers to identify the solutions for their specific business workflow issues. Holly Muscolino, Director of the Production Workflow Solutions Service for InfoTrends/CapVentures, noted that the focused PRISMA environmental solution sets “are a fresh perspective on workflow that is one of the more customer-oriented approaches that we’ve seen. This new approach starts with typical business issues for each environment and identifies specific Océ capabilities, products and services to address them. In many cases, you can literally identify the right software and services to apply to current business issues in a few minutes. PRISMA is clearly focused on the customer’s business, so it’s easy to see why the new Océ approach is gaining acceptance in the market.”
Implementation: On Demand Environment
The value of the customer-centric approach has been reinforced by the growing adoption of Océ PRISMA software across the range of printing environments. Users in on-demand environments are tapping into Océ PRISMA capabilities to increase their ability to economically handle even short print runs. “We are working with Océ to use the Océ PRISMA workflow to efficiently print runs as small as two copies,” said Chris Hutchison, President of the P. A. Hutchison Company, an established, on-demand book manufacturing operation.
Implementation: Networked Office Environment
Océ PRISMA solutions are compatible with systems and work processes already in place, protecting users’ previous investments as they streamline workflow and procedures. “We were sold on Océ because we needed a solution that would work with our student accounting software,” said Assistant Principal Phyllis Fay of Antioch Community High School. Océ PRISMA software gave Antioch easy digital records management, retention and retrieval for their networked office environment, with a seamless integration of their extensive legacy data into the new workflow. “Océ made sure that we could easily transfer data from our existing information system into the Océ PRISMA storage system,” she noted.
Implementation: Transactional Data Centers
According to the MWA study, Océ PRISMA software is second to none in addressing the entire document lifecycle in the data center, as Laser One found. This busy operation produces more than 87 million inserts, statements and self-mailers annually, with multiple print languages and finishing requirements. Océ PRISMA software delivers robust, reliable support for the constant mix of PDF, PCL and PostScript jobs moving daily through this IBM mainframe shop. “When we compared capabilities, features, and the ability to address our business requirements, there was no contest,” says Operations Officer Steve Pruch. “Océ PRISMA adaptive workflow software delivers a more complete, more robust automated solution than any of the competitive products we considered. It provided everything we needed at a price that fit into our budget."
Pershing Financial Services is another example of how Océ PRISMA Software for Transactional Environments is bringing value to extreme high-volume production environments. Pershing prints up to 90,000 securities trade confirms a day and 3.2 million customer statements a month. “We operate around the clock, and non-stop availability at the highest efficiency and productivity levels was our top business requirement,” said Patrick Prezioso, Vice President and General Manager of Pershing print and mail operations. “With the Océ PRISMA solution, I was able to increase productivity, while significantly reducing my staffing costs. Being able to run multiple data streams and meet our volume demands with less equipment and fewer people has given Pershing a tremendous boost in efficiency.”
Implementation: CRD Environment
Central reprographics departments (CRD) gain many advantages from Océ PRISMA-enabled workflow. The printing operations of Palomar College in California support five academic divisions, more than 40 instructional departments, and administrative functions. The CRD struggled with cumbersome, inefficient manual workflow until Océ PRISMA Office Exec? software increased the print shop’s efficiency and volume, automatically handling job routing and reducing the need for manual intervention. “Our operation is much more efficient today,” said Ken Dodson, Supervisor of Print Services. “We’re serving our clients and the college better, faster and more cost-effectively with higher overall quality. As we continue to increase the number of people using the system, we expect to incorporate more Océ PRISMA workflow features for added efficiency, control and economies.”
To help the marketplace quickly get answers for pressing business problems, Océ is introducing a new section of its website dedicated to Océ workflow solutions. Additional information on Océ PRISMA workflow solutions is available at www.oceusa.com/OcePRISMAsolutions.