Cenveo Is First To Market With Unique Conformer Expansion Envelope Solution
Press release from the issuing company
ENGLEWOOD, Colo., July 14, 2004 – Always seeking innovative solutions for its customers, the Commercial segment of Cenveo is introducing one to help them make their customers’ bulky mailings look better, perform better and cost less. By becoming the first envelope licensee of Conformer Expansion Products Inc., Great Neck, NY, Cenveo can now offer customers something special: versatile envelopes that expand to fit contents with the ease and efficiency of mechanical insertion.
“Prior to the Conformer Expansion Envelope solution, mailing bulk statements or other items more than approximately one-quarter inch thick required a gusseted envelope,” says Murray Rundle, Marketing Manager at Cenveo’s Supremex envelope location in Toronto. “Gusseted envelopes are more costly, lack presentation appeal, and do not perform as well as Conformer Expansion Envelopes. We expect customers to see significant savings with our new solutions.”
Supremex, part of the Commercial segment’s North Region, will be the first Cenveo location to manufacture Conformer Expansion Envelopes. Conformer Expansion Products, Inc. has granted Cenveo a license to manufacture, use, and sell envelope products with its trademarked name exclusively in Canada and on a non-exclusive basis in the United States. The arrangement thus enables Cenveo to offer the envelopes throughout North America.
“With all of the envelope companies we talked to, and we talked to many, in our estimation Cenveo is clearly one of the most enterprising that we’ve experienced. We could not succeed without a partner like Cenveo,” says Marvin Makofsky, president of Conformer Expansion Products.
“Conformer Expansion Envelopes fill a void in the marketplace, specifically the need for an envelope that expands to fit contents of varying thickness and can run on automated insertion equipment. Furthermore, this envelope is a vehicle that can be used for a greater level of marketing, advertising, and promotion than just mailing material from one destination to another,” Makofsky says. “This is a new class of product that offers an innovative alternative to traditional flat and gusseted envelopes.”
“Conformer Expansion Envelopes offer efficiency, versatility, and a more economical use of paper,” continues Makofsky. “The value proposition is that there is truly an ROI for people from the total efficiency point of view.”
According to Rundle, a patent held by Conformer Expansion Products on a scoring and gluing configuration is the key to the envelope’s special abilities. As a result, states Rundle, “You’re creating a memory in the envelope so that when the contents are inserted, the envelope naturally begins to expand.”
He says that Cenveo began gearing up to produce Conformer Expansion Envelopes in January 2003, leading to completion of the license in January 2004. “We did extensive testing and development on a variety of equipment to get to this point,” Rundle says. “There is a steep learning curve.”
Currently, Cenveo is offering three stock products approved by both the U.S. and Canadian Postal Services: 4 1/2" x 9 1/2 " and 9 3/8 " x 12" in 28-lb. and 32-lb. White Wove respectively; and 9 3/8 " x 12" in 48-lb. Tru-Tec (a laminated sheet that is tear and moisture resistant). The 4 1/2" x 9 1/2 " envelopes can hold up to 81 panels (27 sheets of 8 1/2 " x 11" tri-folded) while the 9 3/8 " x 12" is designed to accommodate up to 120 sheets of 8 1/2 " x 11" flat. According to Rundle, two more stock sizes are in development and are very close to release.
Although the Supremex plant currently is the only Cenveo location manufacturing Conformer Expansion Envelopes, the license authorizes every Cenveo operation to do so. Moreover, the products are now available to all Cenveo customers, and Rundle says that the products are eliciting great response from the marketplace. He also notes that a leading provider of mailing solutions has included the envelopes in its 2004 supplies catalog and its online store.
“Transactional statement mailers sort and process their databases by the number of sheets a mailing will require,” Rundle says. “This expandable product provides an opportunity for mailers to increase the number of pages they can handle using mechanical insertion and standard sized mail pieces. It gives mailers the ability to optimize their equipment productivity while managing labor and postage costs. It’s the kind of inventive, value-added solution we’re committed to bringing our customers. This is one niche. There will be others.”