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CPrint University Provides Printing Employees Online Training

Press release from the issuing company

June 25, 2004 -- CPrint (Certified Printers International) has introduced CPrint University (CPU), an online training program aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills of printing employees. CPU. The classes are opened to participants in Certified Printers International and the Crouser Professional Performance Alliance. According to Tom Crouser, president of CPrint, employee training is a major issue for printing owners. “It is too expensive to send every employee to conferences and seminars so CPU is offering a low-cost alternative. We offer online classes that stress the product knowledge that an employee needs in his daily job. CPU offers programs for press operators, bindery staff, customer services representatives, sales staffs and prepress people.” The unique training features some of the industry’s top consultants as well as the staff of the Crouser Performance Alliance. “Dave Fellman and John Giles have developed programs for CPU,” said Crouser, “as well as our own consultants such as Todd Nuckols, Brent Hospers, Michael Hennessey and Ray Stinson. Vendors are also incorporated into the CPU curriculum to take advantage of their technical expertise. The hour-long classes give the employees the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and learn new skills.” CPU is currently working closely with West Virginia University Institute of Technology’s Printing School to develop classes that will give employees college credit. “Printing is a career for our employees,” said Crouser. “They want training so they can do their job better. CPU not only helps the print owner provide better service, but the employee who wants to expand his knowledge also sees it as a benefit. More knowledge employees mean better quality and service to the customer. It also means a happier and more productive employee.” Currently, CPU is offering between 25 to 30 hours of online training each month. Crouser expects the seminar offerings to expand in the coming months. Courses for accreditation are expected to be online by this fall. To participate, printing companies must be part of the Crouser Professional Performance Alliance. To find out more about the CPrint and the Alliance, call George Yoxtheimer at (304) 965-7100 or email him at [email protected].