NAPL Workshop Presents Proven Strategies To Increase Sales And Profits
Press release from the issuing company
PARAMUS, N.J., July 17, 2003 – In an exciting two-day workshop from the National Association for Printing Leadership (, printing industry expert Peter Ebner will show printers how to get to the “top of their game” in five essential selling skills: prospecting; presentation, overcoming objections; handling price; and closing. Increase Your Sales and Profits will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, September 9-10, 2003, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott.
Ebner is author of numerous books and audio tools for the printing industry, including Earn Over $100,000 a Year Selling Printing. He draws on his extensive hands-on printing experience for the more than 200 talks, seminars, and in-house training programs he delivers each year. Increase Your Sales and Profits will offer attendees insights Ebner has gained through training thousands of print salespeople.
The two-day workshop uses an interactive format to help attendees develop their sales skills and then leverage them to:
• Increase sales and margins and reduce the cost of a sale.
• Recession-proof their shop and eliminate sales slumps.
• Motivate the sales team and help all their salespeople become top performers.
• Grow their client base.
• Eliminate turnover.
• Fast track their sales.
• Stop losing jobs to the competition.
Sales professionals who want to improve their sales performance can register by calling (800) 642-6275, Option 3. Registration for NAPL members is $799, a $200 savings off the regular seminar price of $999 (non-member fee is $899, a $100 savings). Registration fee includes an added bonus of a 10-tape Peter Ebner audio library (valued at $345), which attendees can use for their ongoing education and reference. (A group hotel rate of $139 per night is available if reserved by August 18. Call (215) 492-9000 for hotel information and reservations.)