Frank Romano to keynote 1:1 marketing symposium in Chicago prior to GraphExpo
Press release from the issuing company
Lawrence, MA – July 20, 2007 – The first annual 1:1 Marketing Symposium exclusively for Digital Touchpoint subscribers will be held at the Courtyard Marriott in Chicago on September 8, 2007. The session will be held from noon to 4:30pm and will include lunch.
Frank Romano, RIT Professor Emeritus, will present the keynote address “Marketing Digital Print”. Jim Olsen, President, Imagination, Ink. will conduct a session on self-promotion for digital printers using case studies and examples of enhancements of Digital Touchpoint products. A panel of subscribers will present unique ways in which their companies have used and modified Digital Touchpoints as well as case studies of their own successful self-promotion initiatives.
Because the Digital Touchpoints subscribers are geographically diverse, the proceedings will be much like that of a peer group with free sharing of ideas and open discussions in very interactive sessions.
Digital Touchpoints subscribers or those who wish to inquire about subscribing can contact Jim Olsen to discuss their desire to participate on the panel and/or to sign up for the event. The fee is $95.00 for the first employee of a subscribing company and $45 for each additional employee.