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Russian University Honors Helmut Kipphan of Heidelberg

Press release from the issuing company

May 8, 2003 -- Prof. Dr.-In. habil. Helmut Kipphan, Head of Advanced and Future Technologies at Heidelberg, has now been made an honorary doctor of Moscow State University of Printing Arts. With this gesture, the Moscow university is paying tribute to his personal contribution to the development of the printing, publishing and communications industry. The award speech also emphasized his work in the fields of research, teaching, training and development. Not least his outstanding achievements in the development and distribution of information and knowledge about the technologies and systems for producing print media and his efforts in promoting and expanding international contact. His cooperation with the Moscow State University of Printing Arts must also be mentioned. Helmut Kipphan is therefore now qualified to bear the academic title “Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.h.c.”. Professor Kipphan has worked at Heidelberg since 1978. In 1963, after completing his apprenticeship as a tool maker and working at Schnellpressenfabrik Heidelberg, as it was then known, he left the company at which he had been trained and began his academic career at engineering school and university where he qualified as a university lecturer. He is the publisher and main author of the renowned “Handbook of Print Media”. This standard work for the graphic arts industry has been available in German since 2000 and has also been available in English since 2001. It is published by Springer-Verlag. The book, including a CD-ROM, describes the technologies and production processes of the graphic arts industry on more than 1200 pages. Kipphan is a member of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe University (TH). Professor Kipphan plays a leading role in national and international bodies involved in joint industrial research. For example, he is the Chairman of the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau (FKM) and the technical advisory board of the Forschungsgesellschaft Druckmaschinen (FGD) and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik (FVA). He is an expert member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF) and until 2001 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Technical Association of Graphic Arts (TAGA, USA). At the start of 2002, Professor Kipphan was appointed to the Heidelberg Academy of Science where he is a full member of the math and natural science class and is particularly involved in the engineering sciences.