May 14, 2007 (Fairfield, CT) -- With so many companies offering numerous solutions to leasing production and equipment, it becomes cumbersome and confusing for the customers. The process can be simplified and handled by one company and in one transaction, turning it into a one-stop-shop. In an effort to help companies consolidate their payments, JJ Bender is introducing the Master Lease Program.
“We are not just selling printing equipment, but also here to serve our customer’s every need. The Master Lease Program was created because it is something that our customers have asked for in order to effectively manage their equipment leasing,” said Jeffrey J. Bender, President of JJ Bender LLC.
A key element of JJ Bender’s Master Lease Program is obtaining a master lease on production equipment purchased from JJ Bender, along with all other equipment that a company desires to finance from any vendor.
Under the Master Lease Program, JJ Bender, with help from its sister leasing company Graphic Savings Group, is able to offer partners more options for equipment transactions and lease management. Lease consulting is also available to ensure cost savings and improve efficiencies for any sized company.
JJ Bender can provide both production equipment such as the Xerox DocuColor 8000 or the Xerox iGen3 and a master lease, a one-stop-shop for acquiring and financing equipment.
“We have always encouraged companies to control the velocity of money and with the guidance of our consultants they can grasp this exact concept,” said Andrew A. Bender, CEO of Graphic Savings Group.
The Master Lease Program is based on the concept of flexibility. Customers have the opportunity to create separate lease schedules that may include different end of term options and lengths all according to their own preferences, yet are all governed under one lease.