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Postal Service Requests Workshare Discount For Periodical Mailers

Press release from the issuing company

WASHINGTON - In an effort to provide mailers of small circulation periodicals a way to achieve worksharing discounts enjoyed by large mailers, the Postal Service has filed a case with the Postal Rate Commission (PRC) seeking a two-year experimental mail classification for Periodicals co-palletization dropship discounts. The discounts are designed to provide an additional incentive for publishers, printers, and consolidators to combine different publications or print runs on pallets, avoiding the need for sacks, a benefit to mailers and the Postal Service. Last week the Postal Service filed a case with the PRC seeking a three-year experimental mail classification based on a Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) between the Postal Service and Capital One Services, Inc. One objective of the Postal Service's Transformation Plan is the use of service enhancements, ease of use and pricing initiatives to add customer value to its products and services. Both the recently filed NSA and the Periodicals experiment move toward greater pricing flexibility, and yield reductions in costs for the Postal Service thus contributing to the long-term viability of the postal system.