Lantana Announces Full Support for Enfocus Certified PDF Technology
Press release from the issuing company
Edits made with Lantana's PDF ImageWorks will now be logged in the Certified PDF Edit Log
September 10, 2002 - SAN FRANCISCO (Seybold) - Lantana today announced that PDF ImageWorks, its Adobe Acrobat plug-in for editing images in a PDF, will fully support Enfocus Certified PDF technology; the increasingly popular, de facto standard for assuring PDF workflow compliance. This means that Lantana edits to PDF images - i.e., what was edited, who edited it, and when -- will now be recorded and will reside in the Certified PDF Edit Log that is appended to every Certified PDF.
"Enfocus is delighted in Lantana's decision to develop for Certified PDF. This will significantly expand use of the open PDF, and Certified PDF, standards," says Peter Camps, Enfocus CEO. "We share with Lantana the philosophy that PDF exchange should be transparent, and this collaboration among PDF developers is what will allow designers and production professionals alike to make the permanent switch to a 100% PDF workflow with complete confidence in its cost-effectiveness and quality."
"We are pleased to see our relationship with Enfocus expand in a way that benefits PDF users," says Gary Armstrong, Lantana's CEO. "There is tremendous benefit in maintaining an audit trail with a history of changes, who performed them, and when; using Enfocus' Certified PDF technology. Our upcoming release of PDF ImageWorks will incorporate this technology, thus providing users the ability to make edits to images in PDFs with confidence that it meets his or her workflow requirements."