Printing Industries Credit Union Chooses Harland Financial Solutions
Press release from the issuing company
ATLANTA, Sept. 5 -- Harland Financial Solutions, a division of John H. Harland Company, announced today that Printing Industries Credit Union has selected Harland Financial Solutions as its new technology partner and will convert to the ULTRADATA System in January 2003. Located in Los Angeles, California, Printing Industries Credit Union serves the printing and graphic arts industry of California with $29 million in assets and close to 11,000 members.
"We look forward to beginning our 45th year in the credit union industry with a new system that can offer our members more services," said Rick Dockery, president and chief executive officer of Printing Industries Credit Union. "We felt synergy with Harland Financial Solutions, particularly since they began in the printing business 79 years ago. The stability of the company combined with all the new technology we're able to get from just one partner, will enable us to grow and serve our membership better as well as increase our own internal efficiencies."
"We're happy to be a part of Printing Industries Credit Union's continued success and growth efforts," said Jim Berthelsen, vice president and general manager of Harland Financial Solutions' Integrated Host Processing division. "Printing Industries will immediately benefit from the many new technology tools they'll be getting with the ULTRADATA System including the Touche customer relationship management system, to help them understand and grow members, and the Windows-based Financial Services Platform suite of products to help simplify training and increase internal productivity."
Printing Industries Credit Union has purchased the ULTRADATA System on Windows 2000 with jBASE data management software, the entire Financial Services Platform suite of products (Front Office, Loan Processing, Collections and Back Office), Ultra-Access Internet Banking and Ultra-Voice telephone banking, Online ATM/POS/Debit and Shared Branch, the Financial Desktop, Touche Customer Relationship Management solution and the OnBase Electronic Document Management System.