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Printlux.com Joins Microsoft Publisher Service Provider Program

Press release from the issuing company

Printlux.com, Inc. today announced that it has recently joined the Microsoft Publisher Service Provider Program (PSPP), enabling customers with Publisher 2002 files to easily work with commercial printers, quick printers, service bureaus and copy shops to print professional-looking business publications. "We're dedicated to adding value to our customer's experience, and ultimately, becoming a member of the Microsoft Publisher Service Provider Program allows us to give better service,'' said Jack Khorchidian, CTO of Printlux.com. "With Microsoft Publisher 2002, the leading Windows-based business desktop publishing program, customers can easily send documents to Printlux.com for higher-quality output and larger quantities than ever before,'' said Katie Jordan, Microsoft product manager. As a member of the Microsoft PSPP, Printlux.com can provide unparalleled support to customers who can now print their publications using four-color (CMYK) process or spot color printing and match PANTONE solid and process colors. To ensure that print shops receive all the necessary fonts and graphics for a Publisher publication, the Pack and Go Wizard embeds the publication's True Type Fonts, and collects the graphics, across one or more disks. Customers can find Printlux.com in a database of commercial printers, quick printers, and service bureaus that accept Microsoft Publisher 2000 files at http://www.microsoft.com/publisher/.