Seminar Series of Interest to Printing and Publishing Professioanls
Press release from the issuing company
Feb 28, 2002 - PreSource Corp distributors of specialty Prepress Software have prepared a one day seminar in conjunction with Apple and Corel for Printing and prepress professionals
Further information and registration at:
This seminar will focus on prepress production and management techniques to increase efficiency and speed up the production workflow. You will learn how professionals from the prepress industry solve tough technical problems using software products from leading manufacturers that automate prepress workflow, manage digital assets, and provide connectivity.
Featured Solutions
- Mac OS X client and server
- PDF/PDF-X generation from CorelDraw
- Prepress workflow Tools from Quite Software
- Asset management Solutions from Torque Systems
- Font management featuring Diamondsoft Font Reserve Server
- Print Management systems from Helios Software with built-in server-based
ColorSync ICC colour management with Gretag MacBeth and Pilot Marketing
- ERP solutions and systems for managing the business of print production- featuring Project M-from Soft Magic
- Soft proofing solutions
- Hardware for calibrating colour, networking, print and file serving, and file transfer.
Locations, Dates, and Times*
March 4th Boston
March 6th NY
March 7th Reston,
March 8th Atlanta,
March 18th Cupertino,
April 3rd Chicago,
April 5th Dallas,
Register online at:
register for "The Mac OS X Prepress Infrastructure Seminar."
For further information or to register by phone contact PreSource 1-800-230-0270