February 19, 2002 -- According to the 13th edition of IPMA's Corporate Publishing Compensation Survey, corporate publishing directors earn an average of $65,561 annually; department/plant managers earn $51,730; publishing services supervisors earn $44,574; pre-press supervisors earn $40,789; press room supervisors earn $44,595; and mail supervisors earn $32,635 a year. In total, 50 management and staff positions related to or supporting in-house publishing, graphics, printing, and mailing services are reported in the survey.
The current edition reports compensation and benefits information based nearly 150 participating organizations and represents approximately 2,700 corporate publishing employees. For detailed analysis, responding organizations were broken down by geographic region, department size, and the parent organizations' industry. This comprehensive data allows users to compare their own compensation and benefits to those of individuals who work in similar positions in departments comparable to their own.
Job positions analyzed this year were updated from those in the 1999 survey to reflect changes in the industry. Position descriptions were included in the survey questionnaire and are also incorporated in the 50 position compensation tables. All survey responses were received from organizations in the United States.
Geographically, the data were aggregated using the nine U.S. Census Bureau regions. Nearly one in five responses (18.3%) came from the East North Central (the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin). Other regions with good representation (at least 10%) include: the West North Central (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota); the South Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia); the West South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas); the Middle Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) and the Pacific (California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington).
Hourly Compensation
Nearly all corporate publishing positions experienced increases over 1999 levels. The Corporate Publishing Compensation Survey summarizes compensation data for the 50 positions using an average, median, and the 25th and 75th percentiles. Compensation information provided by survey respondents as a yearly figure was converted at an hourly rate (based on 2,080 straight hours per year) before it was included in the survey results. The number of responses for a given position, as well as the number of employees represented, is also provided. The number of responses should be evaluated by the user. In general, as the number of responses increases, so does the statistical validity of the data.
Men earned a higher average hourly rate than women in 35 of the positions reported. Women out-earned men in the positions of general clerk, records management administrator, supervisor of publishing services, phototypesetter/graphics specialist, graphic artist, senior camera technician, bindery helper, and supervisor of mail. Union employees averaged higher hourly wage rates for approximately 58% of the survey positions versus non-union employees.
To order a copy of the survey, call IPMA at 816-781-1111 or E-mail:
[email protected]